History and achievements

A few important dates, since the foundation on Friends in Hope in 1997, bear witness to the determination and motivation of families, founder members and clients to cope with their pain and come out of isolation.

1997: Foundation of Friends in Hope (FIH)

2000: Opening of Day Centre

2005: Launching of a national destigmatization campaign ” Sanz ou regard lor dimoune affecté par maladie mentale » translated to : ” Change the way you look at persons affected by mental illness”. This campaign, which enjoyed great media support, had a positive impact to help alter public perception of mental illness as well as helping Friends in Hope to become better known. This campaign paved the way for the association to obtain regular media attention by improving understanding of mental illnesses and the beneficial effects of psycho-social rehabilitation.

2006: Opening of Hopeway ‘training for work’

2008: A Greeting Card and Paper Products Workshop was launched with the financial support of the EU – Decentralized Cooperation Programme. This reinforced the activity of Hopeway and provided work and training to a number of beneficiaries.

2008: “Outreach” project supported by the EU-DCP

2009: Launch of an Information and Rehabilitation Centre with the financial support of the EU- DCP and the Joseph Lagesse Foundation and the Fondation Nouveau Regard. This centre unfortunately had to close in 2011 because of the numerous obstacles it encountered to function at the required level.

2009 – 2010: Development and increased professionalization of our therapeutic activities, theatre productions by our beneficiaries.

2011 : Publication of the first children’s book in our Tambalakok collection, making of the film “Hope” about the association, visit to residential centres in Singapore, Family Fun Day, participation in Christmas Market, theatre production and more…

2012: Development of our activities, with emphasis on social reintegration. Our beneficiaries are not content with being “patients”, they contribute to nature conservation, support disadvantaged children and elderly people, while preparing as far as possible to take up part-time or full time jobs.

29 June 2012: Signature of a “Memorandum of Understanding” with the Anglican Diocese of Mauritius for the building of a residential “haven” for persons with mental illnesses, which will be open to persons of all faiths or none.

18 July 2012: Celebration of the 15th anniversary of FIH and launch of a poster competition on the theme of destigmatization

31 August to 4 September 2012: Painting Exhibition: Artists against Stigma